Millennial Meltdown
This program highlights the plight companies go through to connect millennials with the rest of the workforce. Millennials no longer have to be labeled as the “entitled ones” with this talk. This serves to bridge the communication between the company and this new workforce.
You will gain how to:
Grab and keep the attention of millennials
How social media attracts and retains millennials
Target Audience: Senior leaders & Middle managers
Companies are constantly having to choose profitable employees and ones that make a positive impact on company morale.
This program will talk about how to have both and much more…
Target Audience: For anyone who considers themselves to be a hard worker, high performers who want to perform even better, and employees on the brink of burnout.
First Day Loaded
The first 90 days up to a year in an employee’s life is crucial to creating long-lasting employees
This talk will break down:
How to have mentally engaged employees
What it takes to motivate employees to push past their job description
Target Audience: HR Directors and new employees