• G.R.I.T

    This is more than a program about not giving up. This program provides practical steps broken down into an the acronym of G.R.I.T to empower your organization to stick with their objectives.

    Target this talk toward: Incoming freshman and Student orientations


    L.e.a.d ( Servant Leadership)

    Serving is not a liability but an asset to grow an organization. This talk highlights what it means to lead your organization from the back.  There are no Big ‘I's and little U’s in a an organization.

    Discover how to do this in 4 easy steps.

     Target this talk toward: Student leadership trainings and conferences, Student government, Fraternities & Sororities


     Assembly Required

    This talk breaks down how to stop procrastination and goal-set your way to success.

     Your organization will see:

    What key traits separate the super successful?

    The day to day habits of over achievers

    How to be everything you need to be without overwhelming yourself.

     Target Audience: Study skills seminars, Procrastinators & Perfectionist, Non-traditional students, Graduate students, Students on academic probation


    The Jump

    "The Jump" from college life to a career is very scary but it doesn't have to be.

    This program talks about what it takes to embrace the change from college life to a fulfilling career.  

     Your students will gain knowledge of:

    How to transfer skills to the workforce

    What personality traits help to move forward in a company

    What do your internship really mean?

    Target audience:  Graduating Seniors or Non Traditional Students